
Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all including clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors who enter the premises, access information provided by the company, or use the company’s goods and services.

This Accessibility Plan contains details of the company’s policies, practices, and services in relation to the identification and removal of barriers. This plan is also used to establish prevention measures against new barriers emerging to ensure a barrier-free environment at the company.

This Accessibility Plan is offered in any of the following formats upon request:

  • Print
  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio
  • Electronic

The company welcomes any feedback from the general public. Any feedback or questions regarding this plan or requests for copies of the Accessibility Plan in an alternative format can be addressed to the following designated company representative:

David Bethune
Director of Safety
905-455-2211 ext 4010
156 Glidden Rd
Brampton, ON
L6W 3L2

Feedback can be provided anonymously if desired. Feedback can be received in the following formats:

  • Telephone
  • E-mail
  • Mail
  • A requested feedback form

Statement of Commitment to Accessibility

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. is committed to providing an accessible environment for all, including our employees, clients, job applicants, suppliers, and visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. This commitment is in accordance with the Accessible Canada Act.

We strive to provide an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone by identifying and removing barriers in our workplace and ensuring that new barriers are not created. We are committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely and integrative manner that respects their dignity and independence to ensure persons with disabilities receive equal opportunities.

In pursuit of this endeavor, Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. has established accessibility policies, procedures, training, and practices. We review these policies and practices annually and as organizational changes occur.


As required by the Accessible Canada Act, we will review and update our progress reports annually and our plan every three years. Our progress reports and updates will include consultations with persons with disabilities and will be available upon request.


Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. understands that improving workplace accessibility and ensuring an accessible recruitment and selection process for applicants with disabilities can contribute to a more diverse and welcoming workplace culture.

The company has implemented the following policies, programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation to employment:

• Where necessary, accommodations are being made during the recruitment and selection stages, and throughout the employment lifecycle.

• All training and development programs provided will consider an employee’s barriers and abilities, and are provided in alternative formats, such as large print, audio, Braile or electronic.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in employment. Forbes Hewlett has not recognized or been notified of any barriers but will continue to monitor and act as necessary if any barriers are noted.

The Built Environment

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. wishes to ensure that our commitment to accessibility is well reflected in our physical environment. The company will work to ensure that elements of the built environment, including building interiors and exteriors, are designed to facilitate barrier-free access to goods or services.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in the built environment. After a thorough review of the policies, programs, practices, and services, and through feedback and consultations, the following barriers were identified that continue to exist in the built environment at the company:

  • Entrance ramp located at the front of the building

In the short term, the company will take the following actions to address this identified barrier. This will be achieved in 12 to 24 months after this plan is published:

The company will source out various companies to add a ramp or a lift to the front of the building.

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address this identified barrier, that may take up to 3 years to achieve after this plan is published:

After selecting the appropriate company for barrier replacement, the company will commit to installing a barrier free entrance by 2027.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. understands that communication to and with the company is vital to an individual’s access to the company’s goods or services. The company has implemented the following information and communication technologies to allow individuals to communicate with the company:

  • Accessible formats including print, large print, Braille, audio, and electronic.

To help ensure compliance with these services, the company has implemented the following policies, programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation to information and communication technology:

  • Upon request, the company provides or arranges accessible formats and communication supports for employees, applicants, or persons accessing the company’s goods or services. Such accessible formats and communication supports are conversion-ready and are provided in a timely manner and at no additional cost.
  • The company consults with the individual to determine the specific barrier and the best way to provide support.

We have not been informed of any barriers but will continue to ensure our web content conforms to the WCAG 2.0 where practical. In the absence of practicality explanations will be provided.

Communication Other Than ICT

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. understands that communication to and with the company can take many forms and requires a variety of options to be inclusive of all individuals. We have not been informed of any barriers, but we seek to ensure that our communication with employees, clients and the public is accessible and continuously strive to improve where necessary.

The Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities

Though no barriers related to accessibility in the procurement of goods, services, and facilities at Forbes Hewlett were identified, Forbes-Hewlett will continue to review this area and seek feedback from employees and clients to see if any future improvements need to be made.

The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. is committed to making our programs and services accessible. We have not recognized or been notified of any barriers in its design and delivery of programs and services; however, we strive to ensure accessibility standards are clearly delineated and applied, and training sessions are implemented in compliance with them.


Forbes-Hewlett Transport recognizes the importance of ensuring accessible transportation services are available for persons with a disability. However, in the Accessible Canada Act, transportation refers to the movement of people and not goods. It is important to clarify that Forbes-Hewlett does not manage a transportation system or a fleet of transportation vehicles as defined in the Accessible Canada Act. And, therefore, is not included in the scope of this policy.


Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. recognizes that persons with disabilities are equal participants in all areas of life. The company is guided by the recognized principles of the Accessible Canada Act.

Accordingly, the company is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities are involved in all decision-making regarding its policies, programs, practices, and service delivery. The Accessibility Plan was developed in consultations with our employees, including those with disabilities.

The consultations have taken place throughout the life of the company.

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. will continue to work to identify and remove barriers, and prevent new barriers, for persons with disabilities as they relate to employment, communication, the built environment, and transportation at the company.


Accessibility: Refers to the needs of persons with disabilities being intentionally and respectfully considered when products, services and built environments are adjusted so they can be used by persons of all disabilities.

Barrier: Anything physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications, or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment, or a functional limitation.

Disability: Any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, and sensory impairment, or functional limitation that is either permanent, temporary, or episodic in nature. It can be evident or not in interaction with a barrier to hinder a person’s full and equal participation in society.